After 2 superb editions in Paris and one in Lyon :
A real success !
Let's get together again on 2 April 2024 at Les Salons Hoche in Paris for another day of conferences.

The Data Protection Officer (DPO) is responsible for managing RGDP compliance, advising and supporting organisations in the governance of their data. This is a job that has undergone considerable change in recent years.
It appears that a third of DPOs have not undergone any IT and freedoms/RGDP training since 2016, while more and more of them are neither lawyers nor IT specialists. A positive note in conclusion: 58% of DPOs are satisfied with their role and 87% are convinced of its usefulness.
To take stock of developments in the DPO function and its impact on businesses, and to analyse the latest regulatory developments and DPO solutions, the organisers
will be holding the fourth DPO Forum in France on 2 April 2024.
This will be an opportunity for you to take stock of the DPO profession in terms of companies' expectations of this sector, as well as the challenges associated with this function.
It's a chance for you to keep abreast of the latest developments in data protection and to make the link between DPO-Solutions and the sharing of experience through conferences and round tables.

The 4th Forum des DPO France will take place in a unique and grandiose venue in the heart of Paris, Les salons Hoches, on 2 April 2024.
We look forward to seeing you in March for the conferences, which will cover all the latest news about the DPO profession and the new developments in the GDPR.

Mark-Com Event is an event organizer for over 30 years. Our specialty is to run conferences and business meetings in Europe, by allowing both public and private stakeholders from the digital sector (ICT, Cyber Security, Networks, Telecom, Robotics, Innovation) to meet and exchange professional experiences.